Baby Storytime
Labrador City Public Library 306 Hudson Dr., Labrador City, NL, CanadaA program for babies and their caregivers. This program is hosted by…
A program for babies and their caregivers. This program is hosted by…
For Children from 0 - 5 years old. Stories, action rhymes and…
This is an Early Literacy Program for children 2-5 years. This program…
Knit, Crochet or Quilt at the Deer Lake Public Library on Wednesdays…
A free social event for those who love to knit and converse. …
Ages 3 - 5 years Stories, songs, crafts!!
Preschoolers Storytime for 3years to 5 years will be happening on Wednesdays…
Every Wednesday all December. Christmas Storytime Christmas songs Milk and cookies provided.
Bring in a project that you are working on. Either it be…
For Children in Grades 4 to 6 Read 5 Books & Vote…