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Winter French Reading Club/Club hivernal de lectures en français!

March 19 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Book Clubs and Writing Groups events photo. Seven people are sitting around a large ottoman holding books and talking. There is food on the ottoman.
Envie de lire en français cet hiver? Rejoignez notre club de lecture qui se rencontrera un mercredi par mois cet hiver!
Nombres de places limitées: inscription obligatoire. Ouverts aux adultes et aux 14+.
Chaque participant est invité à choisir un livre en français selon son niveau et ses goûts parmi les suggestions offertes par Coline. Discussion autour des choix et des lectures des participants. Une belle façon découvrir notre collection en français!
Mercredi 22 janvier, Mercredi 19 février, Mercredi 19 mars, Mercredi 23 avril
à 18h15, au 3ème étage de la la bibliothèque A.C. Hunter. 
Des questions? Écrivez à Coline Tisserand :
Feel like reading in French this winter? Join our book club, which will meet one Wednesday a month this winter!
Registration required as space is limited. Open to adults and 14+.
Each participant is invited to choose a book in French according to their level and tastes from among the suggestions offered by Coline. Discussion around participants’ choices and readings. A great way to discover our collection in French!
Wednesday, January 22 – Wednesday, February 19 – Wednesday, March 19 – Wednesday, April 23rd
@6:15PM, on the 3rd floor of the A.C. Hunter Library. 
Questions? Reach out to Coline Tisserand:


March 19
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Event Categories:


St. John’s – A.C. Hunter Public Library
709 737-3950


St. John’s – A.C. Hunter Public Library
95 Allandale Road
St. John's, NL A1B 3A3 Canada
+ Google Map
(709) 737-3950


* indicates a required field
Let us know if you have any questions or comments about this event and how we can best ensure you have a successful experience!
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