The Provincial Government of Newfoundland & Labrador has launched a new online portal in an effort to simplify and streamline the processes around Crown Lands applications.
The Policing Transformation Working Group is mandated to evaluate the current provincial policing model, conduct public engagement, and provide ongoing advice to ensure Newfoundlanders and Labradorians receive the most effective and efficient policing services possible. As part of their public engagement, they have recently launched a public survey.
In advance of Budget 2025, residents are invited to take part in a pre-budget questionnaire. The deadline to provide feedback through engageNL is Monday, January 6, 2025.
Fill out the online questionnaire
The questionnaire is focused on assessing priorities and understanding concerns. It includes an easy-to-use interactive tool that illustrates the Provincial Government’s fiscal realities in balancing a budget over $10 billion.
In addition to the online survey, residents may send a written submission to
While email is preferred, particularly during the postal disruption, residents may also send submissions via mail at:
Budget 2025
Department of Finance
Main Floor, East Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700
St. John’s, NL
A1B 4J6
Input will help the Provincial Government plan for Budget 2025 as it continues to support Newfoundlanders and Labradorians and deliver on its strategic plan for financial improvement. All efforts are towards a stronger, smarter, self-sufficient, sustainable province.
Here are just a few of the new features we are especially proud of:
- We’ve made improvements to the accessibility features on our website.
- Look through the Events Calendar to find programs that interest you and then register online. Use the buttons on the side of the calendar to filter down to the programs that meet your interests and needs.
- Visit our Digital Library to find online courses to meet your needs or your next favourite eBooks.
- Search the catalogue directly from the NLPL homepage, where you can browse for items, place holds and manage your account.
- Don’t forget to check out our new child-friendly catalogue as well.
NLPL staff were recently profiled on CBC for the work they do with the Home Reader Service, a service dedicated to bringing library materials to individuals who are unable to make it to their local library.
Learn more about more accessible services available through NLPL!
Our Events Calendar has a great new feature – online registration. To find the programs you’re interested in, use the Event Category button to highlight programs on particular topics or geared toward specific age groups. The Venues button will allow you to limit the program listings to events taking place at your local NLPL locations.
Once you find the perfect program, you can register right from the listing. We will follow up with an email to confirm your registration status and send you an email reminder about upcoming programs. You can also add the program to your preferred online calendar.
We hope to see you at one of our programs soon!