Library staff are available to assist patrons who would like to apply for the Home Heating Supplement Program (Furnace and Stove Oil). Please contact your local public library for more information.

Home Heating Supplement Program - Finance (

HHSP Application Form


Education Accord NL is working toward a 10-year education transformation and wants to hear from you to improve educational experiences in our province. Please take 15 - 20 minutes and share your thoughts by completing the Education Accord NL online survey at All responses from the survey are anonymous.

Visit our website for more information.

Literacy Clearing House

The Provincial Literacy Clearinghouse has over 2,000 books, videos and other items of interest to anyone involved in literacy. This collection can be used by new learners, tutors and researchers. It includes materials once held by the Literacy Development Council of Newfoundland and Labrador. The Provincial Literacy Clearinghouse is located in the A.C. Hunter Public Library in the St John's Arts and Culture Centre.

What is in the Clearinghouse?

The Provincial Literacy Clearinghouse has books and other items dealing with:

  •  Adult Basic Education
  •  Family Literacy
  •  Workplace Literacy
  •  Seniors' Literacy
  •  Literacy Programming
  •  Program Development
  •  Research

How can I use the Clearinghouse?

If you are within driving distance of St John's you are welcome to visit the A.C. Hunter Public Library and browse the Provincial Literacy Clearinghouse. The library staff will be happy to help you find what you are looking for.

If you are living elsewhere in the province you can search the Provincial Literacy Clearinghouse by using the Internet from your home or your nearest public library.

The Provincial Literacy Clearinghouse can be searched through the Newfoundland and Labrador Public Libraries' website and clicking on "Search the Library Catalogue":

  • If you are looking for a particular book, report, video, etc. and know the author or the title, try searching by "AUTHOR" or "TITLES".
  • if you know part of the title of a particular book, report, video, etc., try searching by "TITLES - Looking for Keywords(s)".
  • If you are looking for all items on a literacy subject, try searching by "SUBJECT HEADINGS" or "SUBJECTS - Looking for Keywords(s)" using Literacy. This will display a list of subject headings on literacy that are in the online catalogue.
  • By "double clicking" on the lists of authors, titles or subjects displayed you can see detailed information about items in the Provincial Literacy Clearinghouse.

I'm not near St John's, how can I get something in the Provincial Literacy Clearinghouse? 

If you live in a community with a public library - or live near a community with one - go to the public library and ask the librarian for help. She will request the item from the Provincial Reference Collection for you. The item will be mailed from St John's to the public library and the librarian will call you when it arrives. This is a free service of the public library.

If you cannot easily go to a public library, you can telephone, e-mail or write to one of the following regional resource libraries:

 Western Newfoundland
 and Labrador

 Central Newfoundland

 Eastern Newfoundland

  • Labrador
  • Northern Peninsula
  • West Coast
  • South West Coast

Corner Brook Public Library
4 West Street
Corner Brook, NL
A1H 6J8
Tel: (709) 634-0013


  • North East Coast
  • Central East
  • Central West
  • South Coast

Gander Public Library
6 Bell Place
Gander, NL
A1V 1X2
Tel: (709) 651-5354


  • Avalon Peninsula
    (outside St John's)
  • Bonavista Peninsula
  • Burin Peninsula

Mount Pearl Public Library
65 Olympic Drive
Mount Pearl, NL
A1N 5H6
Tel: (709) 368-3603


Where can I get more information about the Provincial Literacy Clearinghouse?

Contact: Emily Blackmore

Lending Services Librarian
A.C. Hunter Public Library
Arts and Culture Centre
St John's, NL A1B 3A3

Tel: (709) 737-3317

Contact us